ASI Model Numbers Explained
- First characters, the model number prefix, indicate the scintillation detector material:
Prefix | Scintillator Material |
Blank | NaI(Tl) |
NI | NaI(Tl) |
CT | CsI(Tl) |
CN | CsI(Na) |
B | BGO |
NI | NaI(Pure) |
BF | BaF2 |
CB | CeBr3 |
CF | CaF2(Eu) |
LC | LaCl3(Ce) |
LG | Li-glass |
LI | 6LiI(Eu) |
CD | CdWO4 |
SI | SrI2(Eu) |
P | Plastic |
L | Liquid |
- For cylindrical units this is the diameter of the detector in inches times four. (All dimensional values are rounded off to the nearest whole number.) For rectilinear units this is the length of the detector in inches times four.
- Detector Type (X, I, D, EW, SW, T etc.), refer to the table below:
Type Name | Type |
Open Face | X |
Integral | I |
Demountable PMT | D |
End Well | EW |
Side Well | SW |
Thin | T |
Integral End Well | IEW |
Demountable Side Well | DSW |
Thin Open Face | TX |
Thin Integral | TI |
Demountable Thin | DT |
Environmental | E |
Environmental Integral | EI |
Environmental Open Face | EX |
Environmental Demountable | ED |
Ruggedized | R |
Ruggedized Open Face | RX |
Ruggedized Integral | RI |
Annular | A |
Annular Demountable End Well | ADEW |
- For cylindrical units this is the length of the detector in inches times four. For rectilinear units this is the width of the detector in inches times four. For thin units this is the thickness of the crystal in thousands of an inch.
- For rectilinear units an “X” is placed here as a spacer.
- Rectilinear units this is the height of the detector in inches times four.
- One or more of these code letters or numbers may be in this position.
Blank | Aluminum housing |
Q | Quartz light pipe |
B1 | 0.005” Be energy entrance window |
B2 | 0.010” Be energy entrance window |
A1 | 0.005” Al energy entrance window |
A2 | 0.010” Al energy entrance window |
A5 | Aluminum housing |
SS | Stainless Steel housing |
OFHC | Oxygen Free High Conductivity Copper |
OFE | Oxygen Free Electrolytic Copper |
- Following the forward slash, the PMT diameter is given in inches. It may be followed by an abbreviated PMT vendor model number in parenthesis. A SiPM manufacturer’s number may also follow the forward slash.
- And 9. The PMT information may be followed by any one or several of the following suffix modifiers.
B | Voltage divider |
N | Negative High Voltage |
P | Preamp or Premium material depending on context |
S# | Special unit-variant of a standard model |
G | Gross counter |
(XxX) | Dimensional values (Dia. X Depth) of an end well unit) |
Examples of Several Different ASI Model Numbers
CN12I12SS/3BP – CsI(Na), 3.0” diameter x 3” thick, integrally mounted 3” PMT in a stainless steel housing configured with a voltage divider and a preamp.
7IEW8Q/2 – NaI(Tl), 1.75” x 2”, quartz light pipe, aluminum housing with a 2” PMT configured with a 14 pin base.
20DT063QB2/5B (F.I.D.L.E.R.) – NaI(Tl) 5” diameter x 0.063” thick, demountable PMT, quartz light pipe, 0.010” thick Beryllium entrance window with a 5” PMT and voltage divider.
ASI Serial Numbers Explained
ASI serial numbers are the six-digit date followed by letters. The numbers have the format mmddyy. The letters follow the English alphabet. The ASI warranty is in effect from the date indicated by the serial number.
It is nearly impossible to include every possible configuration variable in the detector model number. You will notice, for example, that we do not track the type of connector(s) used in the model number. Our manufacturing process records and archives this information. Be reassured that if you have model number and a serial number for a detector that you previously purchased, we can let you know exactly what you purchased.